Seminar: François Louchet, climatologist
Climat, un saut dans l'inconnu? Ce qu'en dit la Physique -
Seminar: Paul Griffiths, senior lecturer from Aston Univeristy (Birmingham, UK)
Recent studies in the high (and sometimes low) Reynolds number regime -
Seminar series: Prof. Michael Kaufman, Colorado School of Mines
Three seminars will be given in February and March by Prof. Kaufman during his stay in the framework of the UGA visiting foreign researchers program -
Seminar: Eric Veil, electrochemical physicist and former Laboratory Head at LEPMI
Approche transverse de la physique et physique-chimie à travers les Graphes Formels -
Seminar: Don W. Brown, Los Alamos National Lab, USA
Formation and Recover of Dislocations Under Deformation and Irradiation of Elemental Tantalum, a Step Toward Understanding Complex BCC Alloys -
Seminar: Quentin GAILLARD, maître assistant au LGF, Mines Saint-Etienne
Alliage Ti-6Al-4V élaboré par fusion laser sur lit de poudre et traité thermiquement : effet de l'alpha-case sur les propriétés mécaniques -
Seminar: Clémence PETIT, maître assistante au LGF, Mines Saint-Etienne
Frittage micro-ondes de matériaux céramiques pour la santé : étude de la densification et des interactions micro-ondes/matériaux dans le cas des composites alumine/zircone et de l'hydroxyapatite -
Seminar: Antonin LOUISET, post-doc at CEA Grenoble
Imagerie haute-résolution par microscopie électronique 4D et ptychographie -
Seminar: Laurent DELANNAY, Prof at Univ. Catholique de Louvain
Microscopic heterogeneity in the rheology of grain boundary sliding accommodated by diffusion -
Seminar: Houssam KHAROUJI, phd student at LEM3 in Metz
Vers un Transfert Atomistique-Continu pour la Description des Défauts Cristallins et de l'Énergie d'excès des Joints de Grains -
Seminar: Clément RIBART, postdoctoral fellow at ESRF / CEA
Étude de champs locaux d'orientations et de contraintes polycristallins par rayonnement synchrotron -
Seminar: Boris CONTRI, postdoctoral research fellow at SIMaP
Metal - ceramic bonding by thermocompression -
Seminar: Steve GAUDEZ, Paul-Scherrer Institute
Utilisation multi-échelle des techniques synchrotron pour l’étude des transformations thermo-mécaniques dans les aciers -
Seminar: Adrien DIDER, LaMCoS
Exploration de la fatigue de contact à l'aide d'un dispositif de test ultrasonore : amorçage en fatigue gigacyclique de fissures courtes -
Seminar: Prof. Simon ZABLER, Technische Hochschule Deggendorf
X-ray tomography for materials science and industrial inspection -
WODIL 2024 takes place on September 18th-19th
The 13th German-French Workshop on Oxide, Dielectric and Laser single crystals will take place on September 18-19 in Grenoble -
TOFA 2024
The TOFA 2024 international conference co-organized by SIMaP members will be held in Lyon. -
Seminar: Prof. Stéphane Godet, Université libre de Bruxelles
Development of new lean titanium alloys for 3D printing and the aerospace industry: is it possible to increase defect tolerance through large work-hardening rates while preserving a high yield strength?
Atom Probe Tomography Workshop
On March 16th, 2021, SIMaP and CEA-LETI organized an online meeting on Atom Probe Tomography. An opportunity to learn about the possibilities of this instrument in a wide scope of research topics with speakers from both SIMaP and CEA-LETI, as well as from partner laboratories from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.