SIMAP rubrique Laboratoire 2022

Finding us

SIMaP laboratory is located at the Saint-Martin d'Hères campus close to Grenoble city. The research teams are in four buildings as described in the map below.
SIMaP map
By tramway :
from Grenoble railway station, ligne B, direction "Gières Plaine des sports",  stop at  Bibliothèques Universitaires or Gabriel Fauré (to visit Materials and Mechanical Engineering team);
from Grenoble city, also line C, direction "Saint Martin d'Hères Condillac - Universités", stop at  Bibliothèques Universitaires  or Gabriel Fauré.
Further information on travelling by bus or tramway can be found on the Tag website.

By air:
The most convenient airport to Grenoble is Lyon Saint-Exupery airport- about 100 km from Grenoble. There are frequent bus connections to Grenoble. There are also coaches from Geneva airport (Switzerland)


Postal address:    SIMaP, 1130, rue de la piscine, Domaine Universitaire,  BP75, 38402 Saint-Martin d'Hères
Phone: 33 (0)4 76 82 65 17
E-mail: Secrétariat de Direction
E-mail: Webmestre