SIMAP rubrique Valorisation 2022

Types of partnership

Different types of contract exist, depending on the goal

A specific need for laboratory skills or expertise:

  • The aim of service provision is for the laboratory to carry out a specific study commissioned by the industrial partner.
  • Consulting is an intellectual service on a problem given by the company.

Collaboration leading to technology transfer:

  • Research collaboration contract: when a solution to a given problem does not exist in the state-of-the-art, a joint research program is set up between the company and the laboratory.
  • CIFRE contrat (Conventions Industrielles de Formation par la Recherche): this is a special collaborative contract centered around a phd student and subsidized by the French Ministry of Research through the ANRT (Agence Nationale Recherche Technologique).
  • Proposals to calls for projects: various regional, national and European calls for projects encourage public-private partnerships (competitiveness clusters, Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne Region, ANR, European Commission, etc.).

A long-term partnership on a theme defined together:

  • A joint laboratory is a research structure for which the partners - research laboratory and company - deploy staff and share governance on a research and innovation roadmap.

To find out more about the different types of collaboration that can be envisaged, we invite you to visit the dedicated websites of our sponsors:

CNRS : Direction de l'Innovation et des Relations avec les Entreprises
Grenoble INP - UGA
Université Grenoble-Alpes : Floralis


Le dispositif Convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche a pour objectif de favoriser le développement de la recherche partenariale public-privé et de placer les doctorants dans des conditions d'emploi. En savoir plus...

Institut Carnot Energies du Futur

Le laboratoire SIMaP est membre de l'Institut Carnot Energies du Futur dont l'une des activités est de promouvoir la recherche partenariale dans le domaine des nouvelles technologies de l'énergie. En savoir plus...