Seminar: Boris CONTRI, postdoctoral research fellow at SIMaP
Metal - ceramic bonding by thermocompression
The metal - ceramic bonding by thermocompression is a great alternative to thermal spraying considering surface treatment problematic in industrial environments. I would like to present you some results obtained, during my PhD in IRCER laboratory in Limoges, on two materials couples : Inconel625 - Alumina(Al2O3) and Titanium Zirconium Molybdenum(TZM) - Silicon Carbide(SiC) bonded by thermocompression. First I will present the surface preparation performed on the metallic samples using a preoxidation process, which led during this work to the study of oxidation kinetics for Inconel625*, before exposing the bonding results for the two couples changing thermal treatment's temperature and time. Then I will highlight the characterisation part composed of SEM-EDS imaging and XRD analysis to show the complex interface formed during treatment for the TZM - SiC couple. The last part will be dedicated to the mecanical behaviour of the couples using traction tests and a simple numerical simulation on ABAQUS.
* B. Contri, S. Valette, M. Soustre, and P. Lefort, “Inconel®625 oxidation in CO2: Kinetics and reaction mechanism,” Corros. Sci., vol. 217, p. 111101, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.corsci.2023.111101
Date infos
Thursday, October 10 à 14:00 (room Marcel Garnier, EPM building)