Upcoming PhD thesis defenses at SIMaP
Pierre GUERIN – Effect of recycling impurities on the formability of automotive aluminum alloys: influence of intermetallic particles studied by process variation and data-driven approaches
Kimheng MENG – Damage mechanism by coating blister: Influence of plasticity and delamination
Clément HUGON – Thermal characterisation method for power transistors adapted to pool boiling cooling - Application to the characterisation of copper heatsinks, manufactured by 3D printing and sintering
Arnaud MANTOUX (HdR) – Élaboration en phase gaz-solide : revêtements innovants et optimisation des fonctionnalités
Yanis PISI – Deposition of Anti-Multipacting Thin Films by ALD and PVD Based on TiN for Particle Accelerator Components
Geoffroy DE LAITRE on the dynamical properties of aperiodic crystals
Lucas VAROTO – Microstructural Optimization of Cu-Cr alloys for Electrical Contacts in Vacuum Interrupters
Thomas PERRIN – Ageing of precipitation-hardened aluminium alloys during service: microstructural evolution and associated mechanical properties
Amélie BIGEARD – Consolidation and thermomechanical behavior of an alumina-mullitezirconia castable refractory during high temperature treatments
Déborah MOERLEN – Modeling of an ETDR sensor for distributed high-temperature measurement (>1000°C): experimental validations, durability and Machine Learning
Silvère PANISSET – Nanostructured Thin Film Oxygen Electrodes for Solid Oxide Electrochemical Devices: Deposition Optimisation, Characterisation, and Modelling
Ashna JOSE – Active Learning approaches to Discover Spin-Crossover Metal Organic Frameworks for Carbon Capture
Samy LALLOZ – From diffusion to wave propagation in low-Rm magnetohydrodynamics: a theoretical and experimental study
Most recent PhD defenses
Find all the PhD thesis defended at SIMaP on the open acccess platform HAL (http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/SIMAP) or on the dedicated website theses.fr.Aatreya Manjulagiri VENKATESH
In-situ X-ray nano-tomography analysis of ceramic powder sintering
Supervisors: Didier Bouvard, Pierre Lhuissier et Julie Villanova
Friday, July 7 2023
Amandine CAPOGNA
Investigation of a turbulent channel flow in presence of a non-uniform magnetic field: MHD control
Supervisors: Olivier Doche et Laurent Davoust
Wednesday, July 5 2023
Contribution to the understanding of the creep mechanisms of 316L(N) austenitic stainless steel for 60 years of operation: link microstructural evolution (precipitates, dislocations) and damage
Supervisors: Luc SALVO, Emilie FERRIE et Pierre LHUISSIER
Defended Monday, March 27 2023
Study of Solderless Interconnect Technology Process: Ageing of Pressfit Connectors
Supervisros: M. Verdier et F. Volpi; co-supervisor C. Ginet
Defended on Friday, March 10 2023
Vijaya Shanthi PAUL RAJ
Solution growth of α-GeO2 and Herbertsmithite ZnxCu4-OH)6Cl2 crystals: towards the identification of defects formation and growth mechanisms
Supervisors: Matias Velazquez and Alexandra Peña-Revellez (Institut Néel)
Defended on Tuesday 31st of January 2023
Development and characterization of ferroelectric layers for the fabrication of FeFET transistors
Supervisor: E. Blanquet; co-supervisors A. Mantoux, M. Gros-Jean (STMicroelectronics) and N. Vaxelaire (CEA-LETI)
Defended on Tuesday, January 31 2023
Towards a more realistic discrete element model of solid-state sintering:grain growth and non-spherical particles
Supervisors : Christophe MARTIN and David JAUFFRES
Defended on Friday, December 2nd 2022
Towards improved laboratory X-ray tomography imaging: optimization of acquisition parameters and use of photon-counting detectors
Supervisors: Sabine ROLLAND DU ROSCOAT (3SR), Pierre LHUISSIER, Luc SALVO
Defended on Wednesday, March 30th 2022
Physico-chemistry of zirconia to titanium brazing using pure gold: wetting and interfacial reactivity
Supervisors: Fiqiri Hodaj and Valérie Chaumat (CEA-LITEN)
Defended on Friday, March 25th 2022
Processing and properties of Zr-Co-Al bulk metallic glass for biomedical applications
Supervisors: J.-J. Blandin et Rémi Daudin
Defended on Tuesday, March 8th 2022
3D simulations of the interactions between crack and dislocations
Supervisor: Marc FIVEL
Defended on Wednesday, March 2nd 2022
Characterization of functional materials by in situ SEM electrical nanoindentation
Supervisors: F. Volpi et M. Verdier
Defended on Thursday, February 10th 2022
Nicolas BOTTER
Design of a double sided liquid cooled SiC phase leg module using ceramic heatsink
Supervisors: Y. Avenas (G2elab) et J.-M. Missiaen ; Co-supervisor: D. Bouvard
Defended on Wednesday, February 2nd 2022
Modeling the link between microstructure, thermomechanical treatment and mechanical performance of refractory products
Supervisor: C. Martin
Defended on Friday, January 21st 2022
PhD defenses in 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016