SIMAP rubrique labo 2025

Clément HUGON – Méthode de caractérisation thermique de transistors de puissance adaptée au refroidissement par ébullition - Application à la caractérisation de dissipateurs en cuivre fabriqués par impression 3D et frittage

Cette thèse s'est déroulée sous la direction de Yvan AVENAS (Professeur des universités, Grenoble INP-UGA), directeur de thèse et Samuel SIEDEL (Maître de conférence, Grenoble INP-UGA), co-encadrant


Cyril BUTTAY (directeur de recherche CNRS), rapporteur
Lounes TADRIST (professeur des universités, Université Aix-Marseille), rapporteur
Jean-Pierre FRADIN (Ingénieur Docteur, ICAM), examinateur
Yann Bultel (Professeur des universités, Grenoble INP-UGA), examinateur
Yvan AVENAS (Professeur des universités, Grenoble INP-UGA), directeur de thèse
Samuel SIEDEL (Maître de conférence, Grenoble INP-UGA), co-encadrant
Jean-Michel MISSIAEN (Professeur émérite, Grenoble INP-UGA)


As part of the energy transition, power electronics are facing a number of challenges, including the thermal management of power modules, to meet the sharp increase in electrical power transited. This thermal issue is leading to a redesign of power module packaging to reduce the thermal constraints on semiconductor chips and their assembly. With regard to this thermal management issue, the combination of a reduction in the number of interfaces between the semiconductor chip and the cooling fluid and an improvement in heat transfer allows to greatly reduce the thermal resistance of the power module. Therefore, the present work falls within this context of removing interfaces within the power module and improving heat transfers. The direct cooling of power semiconductors components without electrical insulator is then sought and pool boiling is chosen because of its better cooling performance for a passive heat transfer mode and its simpler implementation compared with a two-phase loop. The aim of these works is thus to develop a method to characterise the cooling of power transistors by pool boiling. An instrumented experimental bench was set up using HFE 7200 as working fluid and electrical insulator. A method for measuring the junction temperature of power transistor is used, based on a thermosensitive electrical parameter, the transistor control voltage. This measuring method is used to characterise the cooling in both static and dynamic regimes. This characterization method is applied to structured copper heatsinks manufactured by 3D printing and sintering.

Infos date
Thursday, January 30 at 9:45 a.m
Infos lieu
Amphithéâtre Bergès (21 Av. des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble)