Design of thermo-elastic heterogeneous microstructures, with various local mechanisms (from [4]):
On the left, theoretical thermo-elastic bounds derived by [Gibianski & Torquato, 1997, JMPS], predictions with a sharp interface from [Sigmund 2000, JMPS] and comparison with graded interfaces [4]. On the right, various design not best performant but providing insight on the operating mechanisms.
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[4] Faure A., Michailidis G., Parry G., Vermaak N., Estevez R., 2017, Design of thermo-elastic multi-materials structures with graded interfaces using topology optimization, S.M.O., 56:823-837
[5] Allaire G., Dapogny C., EstevezR., Faure A., Michailidis G., 2017, Structural optimization under overhangs contraints imposed by additive manufacturing technologes,J Comp Phys, 351: 295-328
Contact : Rafaël Estevez