Publications du projet
Ab initio thermodynamics of complex alloys: The case of Al- and Mn-doped ferritic steels
Rémy Besson, Jérôme Dequeker, Ludovic Thuinet, Alexandre LegrisActa Materialia, Volume 169, 1 May 2019, Pages 284-300
Interactions of negative strain rate sensitivity, martensite transformation, and dynamic strain aging in 3rd generation advanced high-strength steels
MichaelCallahan, AstridPerlade, Jean-HubertSchmitt
Materials Science and Engineering: A,2019, 754,140-151.
Development of 3rd generation Medium Mn duplex steels for automotive applications
A. Perlade, A. Antoni, R. Besson, D. Caillard, M. Callahan, J. Emo, AF Gourgues, P. Maugis, A. Mestrallet, L.Thuinet, Q. Tonizzo and JH SchmittMaterial Science and Technology, 2019, 35,204-219.
Microstructure, plastic flow and fracture behavior of ferrite-austenite duplex low density medium Mn steel
Quentin Tonizzo, Anne-Françoise Gourgues-Lorenzon, Matthieu Mazière, Astrid Perlade, Ian ZuazoMaterials Science and Engineering: A, 2017, 706,217-226.
Coincidence of strain-induced TRIP and propagative PLC bands in Medium Mn steels
Michael Callahan, Olivier Hubert, François Hild, Astrid Perlade, Jean-Hubert SchmittMaterials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 704, 2017, Pages 391-400
Microstructure, plastic flow and ductile-to-brittle transition of ferrite-austenite duplex low density medium Mn steel
Q. Tonizzo, A.F. Gourgues, M. Mazière, A. Perlade and I. Zuazo14th International Conference on Fracture (ICF 14)
June 18-23, 2017, Rhodes, Greece
Atomic-scale modeling of Fe-Al-Mn-C alloy using pair models and thermodynamic calculations
Jérôme Dequeker, Alexandre Legris,Rémy Besson, Ludovic ThuinetUniv. Lille, CNRS, INRA, ENSCL
TMS 2017, Feb 26-March 2, San Diego, USA
Determination of phase equilibria in Fe-C-Mn-Al alloys for 3rd generation duplex steels
A. Mestrallet, A. Antoni-Zdziobek, J. Emob, P. Maugis, B. HallstedtUniversité Grenoble Alpes, SIMaP, Aix Marseille Université, IM2NP,Aachen University,IWM,RWTH.
46 th International Calphad Conference, June 11-16, 2017, Saint-Malo, France
Atomic mean-field model of E21 ordering in g-iron-aluminium-carbon alloys
Jonathan Emo, Philippe Maugis
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 696 (2017) 1120-1128
Austenite growth and stability in medium Mn, medium Al Fe-C-Mn-Al steels
Jonathan Emo,Philippe Maugis,Astrid PerladeComputational Materials Science, Volume 125, December 2016, Pages 206–217
Determination of phase equilibria in the Fe-C-Mn-Al alloys for duplex steels 3rd generation
A. Mestrallet, A. Antoni-Zdziobek, S. Lay, J. Emo, P. Maugis, B. HallstedtUniversité Grenoble Alpes, SIMaP, Aix Marseille Université, IM2NP,Aachen University,IWM,RWTH.
Colloque « La Métallurgie, quel avenir ! », Réseau National de la Métallurgie / SF2M
(June 27th to July 1st, 2016, Saint-Étienne, France)
Evaluation of transformation induced plasticity in medium MnSteels by in-situ magnetic measurements
Michael Callahan, Jean-Hubert Schmitt, Astrid Perlade,Ian Zuazo
MSSMat, Centrale Supélec, ArcelorMittal Global R&D,
Annual meeting day of poster presentation in Arcelor-Mittal (June 2016, Maizières)
Experimental characterization and modeling of damage developement in 3rd generation duplex steels for automotive applications
Quentin Tonizzo,Anne-Françoise Gourgues, Matthieu Mazière, Astrid Perlade, Ian Zuazo
MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University, MAT – Centre des Matériaux, R&D Automotive Products, ArcelorMittal Maizières
Annual meeting day of poster presentation in Arcelor-Mittal (June 2016, Maizières)
Modélisation à l’échelle atomique de l’alliage Fe-Al-Mn-C par des modèles de paires et des simulations Monte Carlo
Jérôme Dequeker, Alexandre Legris, Rémy Besson, Ludovic Thuinet.
UMET - Unité Matériaux Et Transformations (
Annual meeting day of poster presentation in Arcelor-Mittal (June 2016, Maizières)
Characterisation of phases in equilibrium in quaternary Fe-C-Mn-Al duplex steels
Aurore Mestrallet1,Florence Robaut, Annie Antoni1, Sabine LayUniversité Grenoble Alpes, SIMaP, CMTC
(Workshop Microanalyse des matériaux, EMAS 2016, Marcoule du 9 au 11 mai 2016)
Dynamic strain ageing in iron alloys: The shielding effect of carbon
D. Caillard. Acta Materialia 112 (2016) 273-284