February 2018
Final meeting in Maizières-lès-Metz (Arcelor Mittal).
December 2017
PhD defense: Lien microstructure-comportement à rupture d'aciers de troisième génération à structure duplex pour application automobile
Quentin Tonizzo, (A-F Gourgues and Matthieu Mazière Supervisors,), MINES-ParisTech
Monday, December the 4 th at 10:00 am, MINES ParisTech, 60, boulevard Saint Michel, 75272 Paris cedex 06 (Room V 334)
Thesis defense committee: Damien Fabrègue (INSA Lyon), Sébastien Allain ( Mines Nancy), Véronique Aubin (Centrale Supélec), Benoît Tanguy (CEA Saclay), Anne-Françoise Gourgues-Lorenzon (Mines ParisTech), Matthieu Mazière (Mines ParisTech), Astrid Perlade (Arcelor Mittal Maizières)
November 2017
PhD defense: Analysis of Strain Instabilities and Transformation Kinetics in 3rd Generation Medium Mn TRIP Steels
Michael Callahan, (J.H. Schmitt Supervisor), MSSMat, CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay
Tuesday, November the 21st, 14:00 am, Amphi 5, Batiment Eiffel ,8 rue Joliot-Curie, F-91192 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex
Thesis defense committee: Véronique Favier (Arts et Métiers ParisTech), Pascal Jacques (Unicersité Catholique de Louvain), Matthieu Mazière (Mines ParisTech) et Olivier Hubert (ENS Paris-Saclay), Jean Hubert Schmitt (MSSMat)
October 2017
PhD defense: Thermodynamique de nouvelles solutions d'aciers de 3ème génération à structure duplex (Thermodynamics of new solutions of steels of 3rd generation to duplex structure)
Aurore Mestrallet, (A. Antoni Dziobeck Supervisor) SIMaP, Grenoble University
Tuesday, October the 31th.
Thesis defense committee: Olivier Dezellus (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1), Jean-Marc Fiorani (Université de Lorraine)
Jacques Lacaze (CIRIMAT-ENSIACET), Muriel Veron, (Grenoble INP), Astrid Perlade (Arcelor Mittal Maizières Research), Annie Antoni-Zdziobek (Grenoble INP)
May 2017
State of progress for all research topics of the project (Saint Denis)November 2016
Third annual meeting of the project. State of progress for all partners in Ecole des Mines (Paris)June 2016
Michael Callahan won the price dedicated to the two best posters at the annual meeting day of poster presentation in Arcelor-Mittal (Maizières)
June 2016
State of progress for partners involved in Theme A : Prediction of the steels microstructures using thermodynamics and cinetic data (ArcelorMittal, UMET, SIMAP, IM2NP, MSSMat, ARMINES, Paris).
Mai 2016
State of progress for partners involved in Theme B (Prediction of the mechanical behaviour of the steels) (ArcelorMittal, CEMES, MSSMat, ARMINES) (Ecole des Mines , Paris).
March 2016
Formation of PhD students to microscopy characterisation methods (Arcelor-Mittal, Maizières).
November 2015
State of progress for all partners in Ecole des Mines (Paris).
February 2015
The 4 PhD and Post-PhD students got a practical training in the field of specific elaboration and caracterisation methods of steels (Arcelor-Mittal, Maizières).
November 2014
The first part of the meeting was devoted for a presentation of the project to PhD and Post-PhD students involved in the ANR program. They got a formation on Phase Diagrams: Experimental Information and Thermodynamic Evaluation.A state of progress was presented by all partners (Ecole des Mines, Paris).
March 2014
A specific meeting of partners involved in the topic of thermodynamic took place. The aim was to discuss about the existing data bases suitable for the project and which calculations or experimental works would be necessary to complete these data (Saint-Denis).
PhD and Post-PhD proposals
Four PhD and one Post-PhD students started on the projectThesis in SIMaP, Thesis in MSSMat, Thesis in ARMINES, Thesis in UMET, Post-PhD work in IM2NP
January 2014
Start of the project (Arcelor-Mittal, Maizières).