Complete, three-dimensional modelling of processes must take into account all physical (electromagnetic, thermal and hydrodynamic, etc.) phenomena involved and their interactions. Research is currently being focused on 3D effects, local phenomena and strong couplings (properties varying strongly with temperature). To this end, new numerical tools are being developed (multi-method strong coupling, multi-grids, integral method for electromagnetism, solidification models) with adaptation of commercially available software (software couplings, Flux/Fluent, Flux-Expert/Fluent).
The following processes have been modelled over the past four years:
- Cold crucible vitrification of radioactive waste. Partners: CEA-COGEMA-CEDRAT-ANSYS
- Modelling of a process for dezincification molten iron in an induction furnace (in collaboration with Ecole Centrale de Lille)
- Modelling of induction heating of molten salts and of an electrolyser for hydrogen production (partners: Atys, Astek, CEA)
- Modelling of thermo-electrical effects in the presence of a magnetic field near the solidification front using the Flux-Expert software (in collaboration with Shanghai University).
- Modelling of microwave heating for elaborating multi-materials using the Flux-Expert software (in collaboration with GPM2 groups).

Using cold crucible to melt and stir glasses - left experiments - right numerical modeling