Session 1
9:00 Guillaume Deffrennes Prediction of thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria using machine learning
9:20 Anatoly Arkhipin Structural and physico-chemical properties of selected glasses in the (Ca1-xMgx)O-Al2O3 system
9:35 Ashna Jose Predicting properties of Metal Organic Frameworks using active learning 9:50 Yanis Pisi Couche mince antimultipacting
10:05 Arnaud Jung Variation du taux de carbone dans du TiN pour les revêtements anti-multipacting par PVD
Session 2
11:00 Noël Jakse Entropy-diffusion relationship in liquids: a potential energy landscape perspective
11:20 Pauline Lefebvre Mechanism of sliding on snow
1:35 Alaa Fahs Recent Advances in Understanding Al-Mg-Si liquid Alloys
11:50 Quentin Ben abdelkader Thermodynamics of building materials
Session 3
14:00 Raphael Boichot Combinatorial design in thin film: recent advances
14:20 Michalis Gavalas Manufacture of all-SiC microelectrode implantable devices for neurotechnology
14:35 Kaoutar Naciri Radioactive impurities solution thermodynamics in Li2MoO4 bulk crystals for the rare event searches
14:50 Joao Paulo Almeida de Mendonca Exchange and Correlation Functionals via Artificial Neural Networks: Where are we now? Where are we going?
15:05 Bastien Faurie Optimization of sliding on synthetic surfaces in Ice Hockey
Session 1
9:00 Guillaume Deffrennes Prediction of thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria using machine learning
9:20 Anatoly Arkhipin Structural and physico-chemical properties of selected glasses in the (Ca1-xMgx)O-Al2O3 system
9:35 Ashna Jose Predicting properties of Metal Organic Frameworks using active learning 9:50 Yanis Pisi Couche mince antimultipacting
10:05 Arnaud Jung Variation du taux de carbone dans du TiN pour les revêtements anti-multipacting par PVD
Session 2
11:00 Noël Jakse Entropy-diffusion relationship in liquids: a potential energy landscape perspective
11:20 Pauline Lefebvre Mechanism of sliding on snow
1:35 Alaa Fahs Recent Advances in Understanding Al-Mg-Si liquid Alloys
11:50 Quentin Ben abdelkader Thermodynamics of building materials
Session 3
14:00 Raphael Boichot Combinatorial design in thin film: recent advances
14:20 Michalis Gavalas Manufacture of all-SiC microelectrode implantable devices for neurotechnology
14:35 Kaoutar Naciri Radioactive impurities solution thermodynamics in Li2MoO4 bulk crystals for the rare event searches
14:50 Joao Paulo Almeida de Mendonca Exchange and Correlation Functionals via Artificial Neural Networks: Where are we now? Where are we going?
15:05 Bastien Faurie Optimization of sliding on synthetic surfaces in Ice Hockey