Couches minces et empilements fonctionnels
HVPE of aluminum nitride, film evaluation and multiscale modeling of the growth process, M. Pons, J. Su, M. Chubarov, R. Boichot, F. Mercier, E. Blanquet, G. Giusti, D. Pique, J. Crystal Growth, 468, 2017, 235-240Evidence for a Cr metastable phase as a tracer in DLI-MOCVD chromium hard coatings usable in high temperature environment, A. Michau, F. Maury, F. Schuster, R. Boichot, M. Pons, Applied Surface Science, 422, 2017, 198-206.
Chromium Carbide Growth at Low Temperature by a Highly Efficient DLI-MOCVD Process in Effluent Recycling Mode, A. Michau, F. Maury, F. Schuster, R. Boichot, M. Pons, E. Monsifrot, Surf. Coat. Technol., 332, 2017, 96-104
Epitaxial Growth of AlN on (0001) Sapphire: Assessment of HVPE Process by a Design of Experiments Approach. Raphaël Boichot, Danying Chen, Frédéric Mercier, Francis Baillet, Gaël Giusti, Thomas Coughlan, Mikhail Chubarov and Michel Pons.Coatings 2017, 7(9), 136.
A Chemical Vapor Deposition Route to Epitaxial Superconducting NbTiN Thin Films. Tsavdaris N, Harza D, Coindeau S, Renou G, Robaut F, Sarigiannidou E, Jacquemin M, Reboud R, Hofheinz M, Blanquet E, Mercier F. Chemistry of Materials 2017;29:5824.
Conversion of MAX phase single crystals in highly porous carbides by high temperature chlorination. Zhang S, Shi L, Mercier F, Chaix-Pluchery O, Chaussende D, Gelard I, Hackens B, Ouisse T. Ceramics International 2017;43:8246.
Oxidation kinetics of Si and SiGe by dry rapid thermal oxidation, in-situ steam generation oxidation and dry furnace oxidation. Roze F, Gourhant O, Blanquet E, Bertin F, Juhel M, Abbate F, Pribat C, Duru R. Journal of Applied Physics 2017;121.
Study of surface reaction during selective epitaxy growth of silicon by thermodynamic analysis and density functional theory calculation. Mayangsari TR, Yusup LL, Park JM, Blanquet E, Pons M, Jung J, Lee WJ. Journal of Crystal Growth 2017;468:278.
Growth of aluminum nitride on flat and patterned Si (111) by high temperature halide CVD. Chubarov M, Mercier F, Lay S, Charlot F, Crisci A, Coindeau S, Encinas T, Ferro G, Reboud R, Boichot R. Thin Solid Films 2017;623:65.
Al2O3 thin films deposited by thermal atomic layer deposition: Characterization for photovoltaic applications. Barbos C, Blanc-Pelissier D, Fave A, Botella C, Regreny P, Grenet G, Blanquet E, Crisci A, Lemiti M. Thin Solid Films 2016;617:108.
Superconducting properties of very high quality NbN thin films grown by high temperature chemical vapor deposition. Hazra D, Tsavdaris N, Jebari S, Grimm A, Blanchet F, Mercier F, et al. Superconductor Science & Technology. 2016;29.
A genetic algorithm for topology optimization of area-to-point heat conduction problem. Boichot R, Fan Y. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2016;108:209-17.
An Atomistic View of the Incipient Growth of Zinc Oxide Nanolayers. Chu MH, Tian L, Chaker A, Cantelli V, Ouled T, Boichot R, et al. Crystal Growth & Design. 2016;16:5339-48.
Roughness generation during Si etching in Cl-2 pulsed plasma. Mourey O, Petit-Etienne C, Cunge G, Darnon M, Despiau-Pujo E, Brichon P, et al. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A. 2016;34.
Growth of boron nitride films on w-AlN (0001), 4 degrees off-cut 4H-SiC (0001), W (110) and Cr (110) substrates by Chemical Vapor Deposition. Coudurier N, Chubarov M, Boichot R, Mercier F, Blanquet E, Reboud R, et al. Crystal Research and Technology. 2016;51:231-8.
Evolution of Crystal Structure During the Initial Stages of ZnO Atomic Layer Deposition. Boichot R, Tian L, Richard MI, Crisci A, Chaker A, Cantelli V, et al. Chemistry of Materials. 2016;28:592-600.
A first step toward bridging silicon carbide crystal properties and physical chemistry of crystal growth. Ariyawong K, Chatillon C, Blanquet E, Dedulle JM, Chaussende D. Crystengcomm. 2016;18:2119-24.
Numerical Modeling of the Droplet Vaporization for Design and Operation of Liquid-pulsed CVD. Boichot R, Krumdieck S. Chemical Vapor Deposition. 2015;21:375-84.
Ni- and Cu-free Ti-based metallic glasses with potential biomedical application. Guo Y, Bataev I, Georgarakis K, Jorge AM, Nogueira RP, Pons M, et al. Intermetallics. 2015;63:86-96.
Undoped TiO2 and nitrogen-doped TiO2 thin films deposited by atomic layer deposition on planar and architectured surfaces for photovoltaic applications. Tian L, Soum-Glaude A, Volpi F, Salvo L, Berthome G, Coindeau S, et al. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A. 2015;33.
Influence of the V/III ratio in the gas phase on thin epitaxial AlN layers grown on (0001) sapphire by high temperature hydride vapor phase epitaxy. Claudel A, Fellmanna V, Gelard I, Coudurier N, Sauvage D, Balaji M, et al. Thin Solid Films. 2014;573:140-7.
Niobium nitride thin films deposited by high temperature chemical vapor deposition. Mercier F, Coindeau S, Lay S, Crisci A, Benz M, Encinas T, et al. Surface & Coatings Technology. 2014;260:126-32.
Structure and deformation behavior of Zr-Cu thin films deposited on Kapton substrates. Bataev I, Panagiotopoulos NT, Charlot F, Jorge AM, Pons M, Evangelakis GA, et al. Surface & Coatings Technology. 2014;239:171-6.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of the effect of temperature upon surface composition of InP etched in Cl-2-based inductively coupled plasma. Chanson R, Bouchoule S, Cardinaud C, Petit-Etienne C, Cambril E, Rhallabi A, et al. Journal of Vacuum Science&Technology B. 2014;32.