Directeur de Recherche CNRS
1130 Rue de la Piscine,
Batiment ECOMARCH,
38402 St Martin d'Heres cedex
04 76 82 64 07
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Site perso
Mécanique des solides et des fluides (PHELMA 1)Méthodes numériques (PHELMA 2)
Dislocations and irradiation defects (Master MANUEN)
Dynamique des dislocations discrètesPlasticité cristalline
Erosion par cavitation
Interaction fluide/structure
Smooth Particles Hydrodynamics
Discrete dislocation dynamics simulations: application to multiscale modelling of crystal plasticity (
![[title-image]1383921702261[/title-image] Crystal sheared by Frank-Read loop mechanism](
Cavitation erosion simulations:
The objective of this activity developed in collaboration with LEGI, is to compute mass loss of materials repeatedly impacted by bubble collapses. During the past few years we have been addressing this issue in three ways.
- (i) Inverse FEM modelling: A specimen was exposed to cavitation during a few minutes and the individual pits printed on the surface were measured. An inverse FEM analysis is then conducted in order to find the pressure loads that could generate similar pits. This gives an estimation of the flow aggressiveness.
- (ii) CFD/FEM coupling: Computional Fluid Dynamics and Finite Element codes are coupled in order to compute the damage cumulated in the solid after the collapse of many bubbles in vicinity of the liquid/solid interface.
- (iii) SPH simulations: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulations are developed in order to account in a single code for both a compressive model for the fluid part and a elasto-visco-plastic damage model for the solid part.
2D Axisymmetric SPH simulation of a bubble collapse near an elasto-visco-plastic solid wall (S. Joshi 2018).
Activités / CV
2009 - Directeur de Recherche CNRS au SIMaP-GPM2
2008 - Habilitation à Diriger les Recherche en Mécanique de l'Université Joseph Fourier
1998 - Chargé de Recherche CNRS au GPM2
1997 - Doctorat de Mécanique de Grenoble INP
1993 - Agrégation de Mécanique à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
Latest publications
Y. A. Amouzon-Adoun, M. Jebahi, S. Forest, M. Fivel, Higher-order kinematic hardening modelling within Strain Gradient Crystal Plasticity : discussing size effects based on Discrete Dislocation Dynamics, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 193, 105875 (2024).
M. Buttard, B. Chéhab, C. Josserond, F. Charlot, P. Lhuissier, X. Bataillon, A. Deschamps, J. Villanova, M. Fivel, J.-J. Blandin, G. Martin, New insights into the elastoplastic transition of Aluminium Alloys designed for and processed by L-PBF, Acta Materialia, 269, 119786 (2024).
L. Varoto, P. Lhuissier, S. Roure, A. Papillon, M. Chosson, C. Pauzon, X. Bataillon, M. Fivel, E. Boller, G. Martin, Multi-Scale Cu-Cr Composites Using Elemental Powder Blending in Laser Powder-Bed Fusion, Scripta Materialia, 242, 115957, (2024).
M. Barnett, J. Wang, S. R. Kada, A. de Vaucorbeil, A. Stevenson, M. Fivel, P. Lynch, Grain scale bursts of plasticity in Mg-4Zn via high energy X-rays: towards twin observation in real-time, Acta Materialia, 264, 119549 (2024).
C. Pauzon, M. Buttard, A. Després, F. Charlot, M. Fivel, B. Chehab, J.-J. Blandin, G. Martin, Direct ageing of LPBF Al-1Fe-1Zr for high conductivity and mechanical performance, Acta Materialia, 258, 119199, (2023).
J. Muzy, M. Fivel, S. Labor, D. Guignier, J. Baruchel, T.N. Caliste, V. Nagirnyi, T. Duffar, Influence of growth process and crystal defects on sapphire brittleness, Journal of Crystal Growth, 127327, (2023).
J.A.G. Joa, L. Dupuy, P. Råback, M. Fivel, M. Perez, J. Amodeo, El-Numodis: a new tool to model dislocation and surface interactions, Modelling and Simulations in Materials Science and Engineering, 31(5), 055003, (2023).
Y.A. Amouzou-Adoun, M. Jebahi, M. Fivel, S. Forest, J.-S. Lecomte, C. Schuman, F. Abed-Meraim, On elastic gaps in strain gradient plasticity: a 3D discrete dislocation dynamics investigation, Acta Materialia, 252, 118920, (2023).
J. Hofmann, C. Thiebaut, M. Riondet, P. Lhuissier, S. Gaudion, M. Fivel, Comparison of acoustic and hydrodynamic cavitation : Material point of view, Physics of Fluids, 35, 017112, (2023).
J. S. Espinoza, F. Trabelsi, C. Escape, L. Charpentier, M. Fivel, E. Blanquet, F. Mercier, Ti3SiC2-SiC multilayer thin films deposited by high temperature reactive chemical vapor deposition, Surface and Coatings Technology, 128815, (2022).
A. Ahmine, P. Djemia, M. Fivel, F. Faurie, N. Giraudon-Boulandet-, M. Velazquez, L. Xuan and T. Duffar, Mechanical Properties of Li2MoO4 single crystals, Journal of Applied Physics, 131, 175102, (2022).
P. Sarkar, G.Ghigliotti, J.-P. Franc and M. Fivel, Mechanism of material deformation during cavitation bubble collapse, Journal of Fluids and Structure, 105, 103327, (2021).
M. Longsworth and M. Fivel, Investigating the cross-slip rate in face-centered cubic metals using an atomistic-based cross-slip model in dislocation dynamics simulations, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 148, 104449, (2021).
F. Meng, E. Ferrie, C. Déprés, M. Fivel, 3D discrete dislocation dynamic investigations of persistent slip band formation in FCC metals under cyclical deformation, International Journal of Fatigue, 149, 106234, (2021).
E. Jover Carrasco, J. Chevy, B. Davo, M. Fivel, Effects of manganese and zirconium dispersoids on strain localization in aluminum alloys, Metals, 11(2), (2021).
F. Bahrami, M. Hammad, M. Fivel, B. Huet, C. D’Haese, L. Ding, B. Nysten, H. Idrissi, J.P. Raskin, T. Pardoen, Single layer graphene controlled surface and bulk indentation plasticity in copper, International Journal of Plasticity, 138, 102936, (2021).
M. Longsworth and M. Fivel, The effect of stress on the cross-slip energy in face-centered cubic metals: A study using dislocation dynamics simulations and line tension models, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 148, 104281, (2021).