Additive manufacturing invites itself to synchrotron

4D characterization (3D + time) of a metallic 3D additive manufacturing process under synchrotron radiation
Researchers from SIMaP laboratory in partnership with researchers from ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facilities) and the LTDS (Tribology and Systems Dynamics Laboratory) in Saint Etienne, have developed a device for non-destructive characterization (3D and time) of a 3D metal printing process. This "replica" of additive manufacturing by laser fusion of powder under synchrotron radiation allows to understand the genesis of the defects inherent to these innovative processes. This kind of device will also make it possible, in the future, to develop optimization strategy in order to respond to the hazards encountered during the process development.
Acquisition 3D in situ d'un "mur" construit par fabrication additive                                  Evolution of a metallic wall  
Evolution of "walls" obtained by 3D printing (morphology, defects, surface roughness) can be assessed in situ, layer by layer. Here, the powder bed around the wall has been virtually removed thanks to image analysis algorithms specifically developed for this study.
Défauts sur "mur" en construction
3D image of a "wall": defects such as pores can be noticed on layer #2 and are partially healed on layer #3.

In situ 3D X-ray microtomography of laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) – A feasibility study,  Pierre Lhuissier et al., Additive Manufacturing 34 (2020) 101271.

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Guilhem MARTIN
Université Grenoble Alpes
Laboratoire SIMaP/Equipe GPM2
Laboratoire SIMaP/Equipe GPM2